“Dear Money…” a short film competition.
Relationships with money are complex. Money can be a source of shame and stress, but it also enables us—it helps us create things, go places or drastically improve the lives of those we love. Bottom line: Money Matters.
SheMoney, in partnership with the Utah Film Center and Comcast NBC Universal, invites both emerging and seasoned filmmakers to participate in the SheMoney Summit Short Film Competition: “Dear Money…”
We are seeking visually compelling, personal stories of any genre (narrative, documentary, experimental) that explore money from a range of perspectives, showcasing its impact on everyday lives. FILMMAKERS: you have one month to create and submit a 3–5 minute short film responding to the prompt: "Dear Money…" Submissions are due May 22nd.
A panel of judges from SheMoney, Utah Film Center, and Comcast NBC Universal will select the top films to be premiered at the 2024 SheMoney Summit. Event attendees will vote and select the winners at the end of day on Friday, June 7th to close out the Summit.
Selected filmmakers will receive free entry to the Summit. Cash awards of $2,500, $1,500 and $500 will be presented to the first, second and third-place winners, respectively. Additionally, the winning filmmaker will receive a one-year membership to The Artist Foundry.