Sustaining the Journey; Realizing Your Best Intentions
75% of parents think that providing financial guidance for their kids is a moral imperative, but only 36% of that group report having any clarity on how to do that. This talk offers guidance for families who are intentional about nurturing financially fluent, future ready kids. Joline explores the obstacles to raising financially fit kids—and the secret sauce of overcoming those obstacles to stay with the lifelong journey of nurturing financially fit kids and building a financially fit family.
MONEY TALK / Raising Financially Fit Kids
Founder, CEO & Chief Content Officer Bounce10
Nurturing Financial Fluency in the Family
Children are ready to talk about money a decade before most parents are ready to have conversations. This workshop will explore when and how to begin to engage children’s “money curiosity”, how to recognize—and capture-- teachable moments, and how to expand the idea of wealth, well beyond the construct of money.
Participants will learn:
• FISH, an expanded notion of wealth any 5-year-old can remember and every adult can embrace
• The Ten Basic Money Skills to help kids master
• The developmental stages of financial fluency—from the youngest children to tweens, teens, young adults and the adult novice
Joline has been an innovator in financial education and well-being for families for over three decades. She grew up in a family business in Maine, gaining an intimate understanding of the complexity of sustaining family and enterprise across generations.
Godfrey’s unconventional career as a clinical social worker led her to specialize in family and gender issues in the context of work and business. Her experience at the Polaroid Corporation, then one of America’s leading tech companies, enabled her to launch a spin-off from that company which she grew and sold in 1990. This was followed by an invitation from
Inc. Magazine to host a series of dinner table gatherings for women entrepreneurs, documented in her first book, Our Wildest Dreams.
Insights gained from those tables led to deep curiosity about how women acquire financial fluency. And in 1992 she founded An Income of Her Own, the country’s first non-profit focused exclusively on financial education for girls and women. In 1996, she published No More Frogs to Kiss: 99 Ways to Give Economic Power to Girls. That same year Godfrey launched Independent Means Inc. to provide financial education to girls and boys. In 2003, she published Raising Financially Fit Kids, now a classic resource for building financial fluency in kids. And when the Tenth Anniversary Edition of Raising Financially Fit Kids was updated and released, families all over the world were adopting her methods and tools. Her newest venture, Bounce10, is a financial readiness program for families raising young children in the context of plenty.
Godfrey’s invention of a developmental approach to financial education for family members from the youngest child to the oldest financial novice was a breakthrough in financial education which has earned her numerous speaking and consulting opportunities, including invitations to address gatherings that include Fast Company and Inc. 500 conferences; the exclusive Padres e Hijos gathering in Latin America, hosted each year by Carlos Slim; and an historic meeting at Ten Downing Street organized by Gordon Brown to encourage a more entrepreneurial UK generation. She has spoken to family offices from Dallas to Dubai and at many of the most prestigious family office gatherings in the world.
A Maine native, Joline graduated from the University of Maine and earned an M.S.W. from Boston University. She was awarded an Honorary Degree in Business from Bentley College for her achievements in financial education. Godfrey was a Kellogg Leadership Fellow and has been recognized in features for The Today Show, Oprah, Fortune, Business Week, Inc. Magazine, and The New York Times. She is the subject of a Harvard Business School Case Study.
She lives in Tenants Harbor, Maine and Ojai, CA. For more information visit www.joline-godfrey.com