Creator, Blog Editor
Accredited Financial Counselor & USU Extension Professor
Utah Money Mom
Utah State University Extension
Discover How Every Dollar Can be Allocated Purposefully with Confidence & Control
Let's talk all things spending! It can be a tricky topic mixed with confidence and anxiety sprinkled with a bit of shame. Even with adequate income, mastering money management can feel like a challenge. Personal finance is personal and there’s no one “right way” to manage money, but are there concrete best-practices that can be implemented no matter your circumstances? I’ll share practical tools to curb overspending, how to prioritize expenses to spend with less shame, and teach how every dollar can be allocated purposefully with confidence and control. You'll leave empowered to shift spending towards a secure financial future while enjoying life today.
Participants will learn:
• Personal finance is personal: Debunking the “one-size-first-all” myth
• The 3 best-practices to intentional-ize spending
• The zero-based spending philosophy to allocate every dollar purposefully
• How to shift a spending perspective from scarcity to abundance
Amanda H. Christensen is an Accredited Financial Counselor and Extension Professor at Utah State University. So co-leads personal finance outreach efforts across the state of Utah through the Empowering Financial Wellness program. She serves as a director on the Utah Financial Empowerment Coalition Board. She co-authored the PowerPay Money Master Online Course, created the Utah Money Moms blog and social media accounts, and regularly contributes to Utah’s Studio 5 television show and Utah Public Radio. She's produced acclaimed finance resources, earning awards like the 2022 USU Spirit of Extension Award and three Best of State Awards for educational programming. Amanda has taught and written personal finance content for 15 years. She focuses on a strength-based approach to personal finance by identifying and leveraging an individual's existing strengths, resources, and abilities to improve their financial well-being and create positive financial outcomes.